CZUgoAbroad je unikátní projekt ČZU v Praze zaměřený na podporu výjezdů studentů do zahraničí. CZUgoAbroad is a unique project of CZU Prague focused on supporting students' mobility abroad.Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/czugoabroad/ Or contact us via email: goabroad(at)rektorat.czu.cz
|28| ENG: Discovering ELLS! and other things...
Season 2
Episode 4
What is the Euroleague for Life Sciences? Prague or Brno? And what about the Czech sense of humour?
Chirag come to Prague at the end of 2019. Since then, a lot of things have changed. What remains are the amazing opportunities within the Euroleague for Life Sciences also known as ELLS! Chirag has used them all! So why don't you?